The Lost Cinemas of My Youth, Pt. 3


Much like the aforementioned Evanston Five or the multiplexed General Cinema – Deerbrook Mall, the Golf Glen Theaters, located on Golf Road, was a theater of last resort, the one you went to when Point Break wasn’t playing

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The Lost Cinemas of My Youth, Pt. 2


Located on Central Street just west of Northwestern University’s Ryan Field (forever Dyche Stadium to us traditionalists), this theater first opened its doors in 1937. And while I’m sure that at some point in its early history it was

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The Lost Cinemas of My Youth, Pt. 1

large-1Late last year, coinciding with the release of Interstellar, the Chicago Tribune ran an interview with Christopher Nolan, the movie’s director, in which he was asked by columnist Christopher Borrelli how the years spent in Evanston during his preteens (he later moved to England) informed his love of film. And here Nolan did something unexpected; rather than listing the

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