Tag Archives: Bond

Tanya Robert Retrospective, Part 2

Tanya Roberts may be gone, but she’s not forgotten to The Conflicted Film Snob. Far from it.

In Part One of this retrospective, we tackled 1983’s Storia d’armi e d’amori and the 1982 sword-and-sandal classic, Beastmaster. Without further ado, let’s knock out two other major works from Roberts’ filmography and get some closure on what is her finest performance/movie appearance.

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Greatest Chase Scenes, Vol.2 (Bipedal) — Part Two

In Part One, which I’m sure provided you with a drug-like high that’s yet to wear off, we covered foot chases in such varied films as The Last of the Mohicans, Raising Arizona, The Third Man, Point Break and The Bourne Ultimatum. Let’s dig right into six more, including the CFS’s choice as Greatest of All Time.

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Rooftop Spectacular!

run-down-houseThe Conflicted Film Snob is getting a new roof today. That’s the good news. The bad new (in addition to the financial outlay) is that the noise is unbelievably distracting, as if a half-dozen man-sized woodpeckers were trying to breach the worn shingles in order to pluck me from my chair and eat me as a snack.

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