Tag Archives: space

Today’s Most Pressing Existential Crisis

Recently, over drinks with a friend, the conversation took a sudden turn from my preferred substance (vacuous) to something deeper when the friend began lecturing me on how the world was spinning off its political/environmental/cultural axis and soon would—mark his words—fling itself into the sun and reduce mankind to ash. Deservedly so, he added.

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Classic Films in 70mm

Living in the big city one sadly tends to take certain landmarks and cultural institutions for granted. Take, for instance, the John Hancock Center and Willis (Sears) Tower, two architecturally significant Chicago skyline stalwarts whose burly frames attract visitors from across the globe. And while multitudes daily gawp up at, and down from, these iconic landmarks, The Conflicted Film Snob, who’s seen them maybe a million times in his four-plus

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